Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hello? Helloooo!.....bzzzz bzzzzz.....

So we are at a party tonight to celebrate a great soccer season and some 'bonding' between the Richmond United U16 Metro team. There was plenty of food, conversation, soccer scrimmages, boxing, trampoline basketball and of course Fifa 2012 on Xbox 360 (or was it Playstation)...Anyways, while these young men kicked the soccer ball I might add,...the cellphones started coming out for safe keeping on a brick ledge on the side of the's where they landed. It was quite comical. I hope they all got the correct phones back! Twas a very enjoyable evening. A good group of boys! Congrats and keep your eyes on the prize!!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Sandhill Cranes, Turtles, and Ducks Oh My - at Reifel Bird Sanctuary

 This was one of many Sandhill Cranes we saw today at the Reifel Bird Sanctuary. I like the reflection. I had told Brook that I was going to look for reflections. Can you see where the leg ends and the reflection starts?
The above was of an earlier sighting. This male was flying towards us from the next that held the female and 2 eggs. It came vey close to us. This was the clearest capture!

Some of these turtles were huge! I remember my pet turtle. We donated him to Art Knapp's when he got too big. Maybe this is Shellie! I'm sure he belonged to someone.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Some New Westminster Architecture

This was one of the pillars on one of the buildings in New Westminster on Columbia St. It's great how the city has kept the old world charm when building new modern buildings.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Windows pains (no pun intended)

While on a walk with Brook in New Westminster a few weeks ago, We found that the upkeep of some of the builings was not done. Photographer's paradise!!! I adjusted some contrast and cropped this a bit.
I like how each window has something different going on, kind of like the people in our lives. Some have turmoil, some have calmness. Perhaps I like this because it portrays my feelings right now, today.